5 Steps For Successful Transmedia Storytelling

Is 2014 the year that transmedia storytelling stops being a buzzword and actually gets put implemented as a digital strategy? We hope so. As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, good stories are those that are authentic, true and evoke emotion, whilst using different media assets to bring a story to life.

It’s nice to know Getty Images think the same way as we do. They recently created an infographic entitled ‘Transmedia Storytelling in 5 Steps‘, and we thought we’d share it with you. Transmedia Storytelling is a powerful strategy for content and engagement, and when you see a stat that says “92% of people want brands to make ads feel like a story or game“, you know digital storytelling is on the cusp of something big.

Interactive content is becoming more and more important, and puts users in the story. From the Tippex bear, to Take This Lollipop and the recent Find Carrie, brands are upping the ante when it comes to interactive content storytelling.

You don’t have to have big budgets to be successful with storytelling either. From simple videos through to customer stories, there any many ways of making digital storytelling work.

However you approach it, here are Getty Images five steps to successful Transmedia Storytelling to help guide you along the way.

Transmedia Storytelling Infographic - Getty Images

If you have any questions about digital or transmedia storytelling, or if you simply want to use us as a soundboard, please feel free to comment or get in touch!

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authentic digital storytelling Infographic interactive stories transmedia transmedia storytelling

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