Server-Side Tracking Guide: Everything You Need to Know – Part Two

Note: This is part 2 of a 2-part article where we discuss everything you need to know about using a server-side tracking solution. first post can be found here.

Continuing our discussion on Server-side tracking, on this post we will discuss the Pros and cons of this type of solution..

The Advantages of Server-Side Tracking

When using a tagging solution like server-side tracking, there are various advantages compared to client-side tracking:

  • Data quality: Since the data is being collected in a first-party approach and directly on the server, it is less susceptible to interference from ad blockers, third-party cookies and cookie policy restrictions. Furthermore, since the data is first party, it is owned by those who collected it.
  • Centralised data collection and compliance: By centralising the data collection and having it processed and stored in a private server, the data can be altered to comply with data protection regulations and requirements.
    By having this level of control over the data that will be sent to any third-party you are able to prevent any PII from being collected by very aggressive JavaScript libraries that are loaded directly on the users browser and collect possible information such as information that are written on third party cookies about the users browsing habits, their type of device and etc.
    With that, the Google Tag Manager container then sends only the data that we allow to be sent to the likes of Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Google Ads and so on.
  • Data enrichment: As mentioned before, there is a possibility of enriching the data when it is being processed in the server, either by combining data from the CRM system or by passing specific values such as a Client ID with each session. The possibilities are endless to enhance how the data can aid future insights.

The Disadvantages of Server-side Tracking

  • Cost: This can be split into two:
    • Server: The cost of maintaining the server infrastructure, storage and processing of the data that is being collected. This cost is directly related to size of your website and how many sessions it has per month.
    • Implementation: Server-side tracking requires a higher level of understanding when setting up not only the servers and domains, but also the tagging system itself and the connection between client-side and server-side.
  • Data accuracy depends on who is deploying the tagging system: It is the responsibility of who is implementing the tagging solution to ensure that the data is being collected in the correct format, it is accurate and to prevent any information being recorded without user consent.

Final Thoughts on Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tracking is an instrumental piece in the puzzle of a cookie-less future and the everchanging landscape of digital analytics.

From aiding against the resistance of ad blockers to overcoming the concerns about privacy by giving you more control over your data; improved accuracy on data collection and enhanced website performance, the benefits of server-side tracking are just too great to be ignored.


  • Does server-side GTM replace my current GTM setup? No, it uses both client-side and server-side.
  • Does server-side GTM make the dataLayer useless? No, proper setups will always require the dataLayer and its information.
  • Can I migrate all my Analytics/Marketing tools to Server-side GTM ? No, not all tools accept the data being sent directly from the server.

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